
PEOPLE IN NEED OF mental health support

Approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year

Source: Mind UK

Good mental health is a vital building block which enables people to live happy, healthy lives. Yet 1 in 4 people in the UK have mental health problems (Mind UK). The Covid-19 pandemic and cost of living crisis has exacerbated mental health issues across the UK. Combine this with ever lengthening NHS waiting lists and the result is that many people are unable to access the support they need in the timeframes they need it.

Whatever the mental health issue someone faces, without support and effective treatment, it can deeply impact everyday life.

From destabilising friendships and relationships through to inability to maintain education, jobs, and in the worst cases, hospitalisation and self harm.

The charities we support, such as No5 and The Maya Centre, play a key role in providing timely and effective support to people struggling with their mental health across the UK. An area which we strongly believe can have a significant impact on reducing social inequality throughout the country.

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It is estimated that the cost of mental health problems to the UK economy is £70-100 billion per year

Source: Mental Health Foundation

Two thirds of adults in the UK with common mental health problems are currently not receiving any treatment.

Source: Mind UK

The charities
we support

When people receive the right kind of intervention before a problem develops into a crisis, they go on to
have more successful outcomes in life, including less reliance on the state.

We believe our partner charities are the experts in what they do, while The Considered Ask is best placed to identify, measure and magnify the impact of their work – with your support.

This feature shines a spotlight on one of many charities we support within this community. If you would like to find out more about the other incredible charities we work with, we’d be more than happy to discuss them with you.

awarded to No5
awarded to No5
total grant for people in need of mental health support
people impacted by No5
people impacted by No5
total people impacted in this community

No5 offer free, confidential counselling and mental health services for young people aged 11-25 who live, work or study in Reading and the surrounding areas.

They aim to destigmatise mental health issues and encourage people to accept it as a normal part of human development.

Their services are open access and focused on early intervention, to prevent more serious problems developing in the future. Amongst other things they deliver free, confidential counselling, creative outreach workshops in schools, and they publish a range of mental health resources devised by their Young Ambassadors group.

awarded to No5
awarded to No5
total grant for people in need of mental health support
people impacted by No5
people impacted by No5
total people impacted in this community

No5 offer free, confidential counselling and mental health services for young people aged 11-25 who live, work or study in Reading and the surrounding areas.

They aim to destigmatise mental health issues and encourage people to accept it as a normal part of human development.

Their services are open access and focused on early intervention, to prevent more serious problems developing in the future. Amongst other things they deliver free, confidential counselling, creative outreach workshops in schools, and they publish a range of mental health resources devised by their Young Ambassadors group.

Without No5’s intervention, our daughter would not be the woman she has grown to be.

Family of someone who received counselling from No5

No5 were there for me during a difficult time as a teenager… I will be forever grateful for the service received, it really was life-changing.


It was incredible to have someone listen to what I had to say who was patient when I was struggling to find the words to explain myself.
